What is a pain flare?

A pain or symptom flare is a temporary but noticeable worsening of your usual pain and/or symptoms (like fatigue, stiffness, or emotional distress) that feels more intense than what you typically deal with. Here’s how to know if what you’re experiencing might be a flare:

  1. It’s Really Disruptive: The pain or symptoms feel strong enough to interfere with things you normally do, like going to school, exercising, or hanging out with friends.
  2. It Lasts Longer Than Usual Pain Spikes: A flare can stick around for hours, days, or even weeks, and you’ll likely notice a clear start and end to it (though it might fade slowly or suddenly).
  3. It Affects More Than Just Pain: A flare can make moving harder, leave you feeling more anxious, sad, or frustrated, and make it tougher to handle everyday challenges.
  4. It Might Be Linked to a Trigger (But Not Always): Things like pushing yourself physically, feeling stressed, changes in the weather, or being sick can sometimes set off a flare—but they can also happen without a clear reason.
  5. It’s Bigger Than Usual Pain Changes: Flares are more intense and last longer than the usual ups and downs of your pain. They’re not just part of your daily pain shifts; they’re a bigger deal.”
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